Really not worth archiving. Really.

Friday, February 24, 2012 | Copyright © 2012 Frank Lynch. |






Bells in a facade evoke a Spanish Mission.

This was a shock. I was on East 241st Street in the Bronx, with train yards behind me. Others were focused on the train yard, but this is what I saw, and I can't tell you what it is. Or how far north of East 241st Street it is. I know I had to put on my longest lens (300mm). And because I was with a group of people from Flickr I couldn't really break off from the pack. And Google street view is no help, their car hasn't ventured through the neighboring streets enough. But obviously some architect was after the Spanish Mission look. Wakefield, The Bronx.

Me: Frank Lynch

frank dot lynch2 at verizon dot net