Really not worth archiving. Really.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 | Copyright © 2006 Frank Lynch. |







We moved to Prospect Heights from Astoria about fifteen years ago: Gulf War I was just starting up, and I remember working on the new apartment while listening to the world news on a shortwave I had at the time. As long as I've been here, the "Nuñez Restaurant" space has been occupied by an auto repair business; a number of the lots in the area are in this industry. But with the looming Atlantic Yards project, this repair business has skedaddled. The Underberg building nearby was torn down a week ago; another building, Vanderbilt Products, is being torn down now.

As we all know, Hot Bird — a rotisserie chicken place — left some ten years ago, and is only remembered by the "old timers" and the buildings. | Pacific Street (Prospect Heights). Brooklyn, New York. | Filed in Brooklyn. View My Profile

Me: Frank Lynch

frank dot lynch2 at verizon dot net